About me

La foto ritrae le mani di Patrizia Guiotto, interior e product designer, mentre lavora a uno schizzo nel suo studio.

Design, beauty and emotions

Designing is a creative process. Authors write for their readers, chefs cook for guests, designers create for those people able to get excited.

Beauty speaks the language of emotions, the mother of all languages.

Let’s talk about beauty?

Design, beauty and emotions

Designing is a creative process. Authors write for their readers, chefs cook for guests, designers create for those people able to get excited.

Beauty speaks the language of emotions, the mother of all languages.

La foto ritrae le mani di Patrizia Guiotto, interior e product designer, mentre lavora a uno schizzo nel suo studio.

Let’s talk about beauty?

Education and professional experience

As a child, drawing was my favorite game, it was my own world and what made me happiest. Growing up, I decided to seriously follow my vocation and when I was only 14, I started my artistic course of study with the Art School at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice, then I attended the University of Architecture courses to acquire the necessary proficiency for a career in this field.

The academic education and the various work experiences allowed me to develop significant skills in conceiving an idea and transforming it into a product, a piece of furniture, the design of an interior or a building.

Ritratto di Patrizia Guiotto sorridente da bambina.

Living and working in different and distant countries and continents allowed me to acquire an international and cosmopolitan mentality, has expanded the boundaries of what I considered possible. My conception of beauty evolved and my professionalism grew mature.

My academic education was complemented by the artistic direction of important furniture companies, collaboration with famous silverware and the artistic glassworks of excellence in Murano.  Such various professional experiences gave me a well-rounded knowledge of both production processes and commercial implications of a design project.

At the same time, I designed and handled the production of customized interiors for prestigious spaces, for the residential and contract sectors. A rich, multifaceted professional experience, which I now offer to my clients.

Get to know my projects

Education and professional experience

As a child, drawing was my favorite game, it was my own world and what made me happiest. Growing up, I decided to seriously follow my vocation and when I was only 14, I started my artistic course of study with the Art School at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice, then I attended the University of Architecture courses to acquire the necessary proficiency for a career in this field.

The academic education and the various work experiences allowed me to develop significant skills in conceiving an idea and transforming it into a product, a piece of furniture, the design of an interior or a building.

Ritratto di Patrizia Guiotto sorridente da bambina.

Living and working in different and distant countries and continents allowed me to acquire an international and cosmopolitan mentality, has expanded the boundaries of what I considered possible. My conception of beauty evolved and my professionalism grew mature.

My academic education was complemented by the artistic direction of important furniture companies, collaboration with famous silverware and the artistic glassworks of excellence in Murano.  Such various professional experiences gave me a well-rounded knowledge of both production processes and commercial implications of a design project.

At the same time, I designed and handled the production of customized interiors for prestigious spaces, for the residential and contract sectors. A rich, multifaceted professional experience, which I now offer to my clients.

Get to know my projects

I prefer to collaborate rather than work

Building mutually satisfying and lasting relationships with customers is what I do love. The key thing for me is to nurture reasonable expectations and start with clear objectives.

In fact, I am the ideal partner for conscious clients who care the ambience they live in, the house or the office they plan to build, or the products they want to market.

I like to think that the best results do not come from hurriedness, nor from easy solutions to potentially complex issues. To really give my best, I have to face challenges. And I am proud of it.

Clients who share this attitude come back to me over the years. The mutual feeling is important. Therefore, in order to work well with my clients, I have become very selective and I carefully evaluate the requests before accepting them.

Discover my approach to eco-sustainability